Ive brought 3 pairs of boots - each pair with a different type of heel and different tread depth - lets see what happens to these bananas and cucumbers under my boot feet! I embark off with the dark brown boots - they only have a low heel and a pretty shallow tread - and the cucumbers hold up pretty long as I stand on them - albeit they obviously cant hold my weight forever and eventually get flattened downright - the bananas are way weaker and crushed more lightly. Lets attempt the light brown boots with chunky high-heeled slippers and a deeper tread next! The hard edges of the high-heeled shoes go deep into the fruits and veggies right away and the tread grabs on good - ending them quickly under my feet. And in the end, Ill try my black Buffalo boots - with higher and thinner heels and a very deep tread. Theyre made for crushing completely destroy the fruits even more easily! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to com!
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