Call Of Duty Brats 2

Call Of Duty Brats 2
The clip proceeds directly after Call of Duty Brats 1. Chanel resumes sitting on me, this time using me as a chunk of furniture. She spills coffee on me and wipes her forearms on my T-shirt for good laughs. This is a funny casual clip of Chanel talking about her dearest games and gaming moments shes a REAL gamer such as her fine tale of playing Skyrim. Chanel resumes talking games until she feels my muscles literally wiggling under her. Are you kicking off to wiggle? You have no muscles whatsoever. Im not moving by the way. Theres no way Im moving. she casually states sitting on the back of my head as I try to crawl back to my camera. Next conversation goes something like, Are you ok? she asks after losing track of time as she talked on about gaming for what felt like an eternity to me. No I reply. Chanel snickers with an ok as she remains seated. Seems nothing will get her off, until luckily for me with a sudden act of kindness she unseats herself -only to trample me!