Cassandra is for sure one of the best Dreamgirl to deal with your sweaty socks requests so that was just another flawless day where she would have use you as her private slave! That was a very long day with her feet inwards her sneakers so she wants you to bow down on your knees and be ready to serve as a good slave! She taunts you with her sneakers on in many positions before she takes them off and let you take some deep breaths inwards! She knows how bad you like that smell, so she just let you take some very deep breaths inwards her sneakers and just love it! She also takes pleasure to grope her sweaty black socks all over your face while you are playing with your rod with your right mitt at the same time! She let you touch yourself while massaging her sweaty black socks all over your face! She wants you to take some deep breaths in her socks, and just love that smell. Cassandra also takes her socks off to caress her sweaty naked feet all over your face! She makes you take some deep breaths in her feet, and makes you stick your tongue out to gobble the sweaty bottom of her soles! It seems like she loves to watch you lick and suck on her delicious and precious toes! Super Hot Clip!
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