Dogplay Dreckskter Demtigung February 28, 2021 Ist der dmliche Dreckskter durstig? Tja, vor mir steht eine Schssel Wasser aus der du schlabbern knntest, aber was macht die Herrin? Sie hat dich…
Pony Play Part 1 February 28, 2021 The superior horsewoman is back from railing and the next pony is already waiting for his punishment. Boots liking and getting curbed still enjoy the…
Fm Session 9 Training The Slave February 28, 2021 Fresh Mistress Maria trains her slave. She trains him as a pet on a leash, rides him, whips and spanks him.
Kter – Deine Ausbildung Beginnt February 21, 2021 Heute beginnt deine Hundeschule mein Kterchen. Frauchen will doch das du ein Vorzeigehndchen wirst und kein jmmerliches Kterchen bleibst!
The Butcher Needs A Sperm Sample November 30, 2020 Here lies my pig now stationary because it was not well behaved in the stable. I am still not sure what to do with this cattle. Breeding or slaughter?…
Slave Used As Rodeo Horse November 17, 2020 Mistress Jane and Queen Hanna turn this slave into a rodeo pony. They sit down on his back and spur him on to produce a movie-like show. The…
This Is Your Mutt Life October 30, 2020 You are not a real man but at most a lapdog and I will train you as such. You will wear a cangue, eat from a cup, sleep in a basket and I will lead…
Poison Aroma Sissy Transformation October 9, 2020 Are you ready for your transformation? Pssst, no more talking, no more thinking! Just embark the clip and listen to my brainfucking voice! Make sure…
Dog Training 17 August 23, 2020 Inexperienced Dog Training Part 1Latina Mistress Celeste is raising her dog. Slave Pedro is trained to be a puppy.
Fm Session 6 Rear end Training Ponyplay August 10, 2020 Mistress Alex trains her rear end slave. She puts him on a leash and teaches some simple commands whipping for encouragement.
Die Mastschwein Schlachtung June 28, 2020 Deine letzte Stunde hat geschlagen!! Dein schnes Leben in meinem Schweinestall kommt zum Ende, du bist jetzt fett genug, ich hab dich ordentlich…
I’ll Raise You To Be My Slave Dog December 10, 2019 In this clip I will make you into a real slave dog! I put the leash on you and train you exactly as you should be trained. It takes more to be a dog…
Fm Session 12 Pet Play November 19, 2019 Mistress Maria has joy with her personal slave. She walks him on a leash, spanks, whips, rides and milks him while his hands are tied behind.
My Piggy Hasan Part 2 October 9, 2019 Hasan was once again permitted to spend the night with his alpha duo, while he again told his family that he was on a business tour. The very first…