Can you see anything? Hailey asks strangling Walters face under her thick, nice, fury winter socks! Can I squish you? she asks with an harmless giggle as she shoves her damp socks over his face! Her voice is so youthful and angelic yet her deeds are so mean! Emily encourages Hailey to make him suffer more! Hailey thrusts and digs her feet into his eye sockets laughing! You know what? Stuff your foot in his mouth! Im not kidding! Emily encourages her! For real? Hailey asks laughing a little suprised at the suggestion. Dont bite me! Its kind of gross! she laughs! Do it, wiggle it in! yells Emily as Hailey attempts to pry his mouth open with her toes grinding her foot back and forward over his mouth! Walter resists her! She squishes his face to the side! Hailey then covers his mouth and nose with her hot moist humid socks that she wore all day in her winter boots! She smothers him again in her damp socks laughing! Emily takes the camera off the tripod getting all the excellent close-ups and angles! The chick's talk about how weird boys are for liking and buying these kinds of clips. Thats why we just step on them! Hailey says laughing referring to guys like us who are into socks as cranks! Hailey resumes strangling him by placing her feet over his mouth and pinching his nose closed with her toes! The doll's proceed to laugh and giggle like evil little school chicks at his expense and suffering! Hailey squishes his face under her feet fondling it everywhere like a hard facial rubdown under sweaty socks! ooh look at his face! I could squish his lips together! Hailey says as the woman's laugh looking at his squished face under her feet! I feel like Im squishing my grapes! Hailey says sniggering as she steps and squishes his face! Im going to gasp you, like that! Hailey says pushing down on his mouth with both feet! She then resumes pressing down on his face warning him not to open his eyes! or they might get poked out! She holds both feet over his face, I hope they stink. Make you smell them! she says laughing making him smell her sweaty wet fury winter socks! The girls discuss about feeding him their sweaty socks! Should we feed him my dirty sock? Are you hungry Emily asks. Do you want to eat my socks? Hailey asks too! HAILEYS FIRST APPEARANCE! RELEASED AS A COMPLETE VERSION FOR THE FIRST TIME! A TIMELESS CLASSIC! clip time 8:34.