While I was attending to some business, I left my slave to do some chores in the basement. I come out of my office and find my bitch of a slave lounging on the bed snoozing under the leather sheet. What a cheek!! I very quickly pull the sheet tightly over his figure. Then I sit on top of him, he cant budge as I have him trapped under the leather. As he fights and writhes, I shut him up with some taut mitt over mouth throttle. I want to keep his head still, so I place it inbetween my silky hips and proceed to smother my bitch. He is completely helpless and at my mercy, with the leather sheet so tight around his body he cant escape. I continue with his breathtaking punishment, and pull the leather sheet over his head and stretch it tightly over his face. I continue to smother him using my hands over his face and mouth. His muffled squeaks are amuzing, and my bitch is learning his lesson as he struggles for breath under my leather sheet. What a useful toy my sheet turned out to be. Later I might get some rope and completely encase my bitch in leather and leave him to suffer and squirm. However, thats another .
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