Love the end of the year 2018 - with our newest entry Sneaker-Girl Red-Queen. Now a funny crimson plastic toy-car will meet these powerful, nude size EU 40 feet. After a brief phase of foot posing she starts to play with the car, touching it with her feet, wanking and moving it with her toes. Hear the very first crackling sounds being sent out by the car. Then we have the very first full foot full-weight stand. OMG - see the wheels burying deeply into their wings. The front wheel is ripped indeed unnaturally - maybe its axis already has been violated. Then - next attempt from the - other direction. Witness Red-Queen placing only toes and nut sack of her left foot directly onto the roof. Then she leisurely applies pressure. More - more - and -CRASH! The roof cracks with a loud noise and is pushed deeply into the chassis - by her immediately downwards rushing foot. WOW! The car is completely broken. Even one front wheel has left its axis and lies on the ground in a foot length distance. Enjoy Red-Queens victory pose, performed by her wiggling toes on top of the wreck. This was the barefoot phase. But now the scene changes to outdoors and the girl has already slipped into her NIKE AIR MAX shoes. Here she starts with the detached left front wheel. She plants it on the ground, vertically and starts to roll it under her sole. After playing with a second broken wheel, Red-Queen begins to step on the parts of the broken car chassis. See her popping and crushing all convex pieces into flat plastic splints, only using pressure and weight applied by toes and balls via her rubber soles. Great! From now on she dismantles the car completely into a pile of plastic scrap. But without any stomping, only slow treading and sole twisting. This girl exactly knows how to crush.
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